does the callipers have to come off ?How to change front brake pads on a renault espace?Ive done this million of times. Once you do it, its easier next time. I'm guessing it's disc,so, nope, the claiper can stay put, just loosen the one bolt ont he botton of the calliper, and the cover should lift up, from botton to top ini a outward motion, like lifting up a car hood.
Then use a screwdriver to loosen the pads on each side, and take em out.
Same way to install, stick one end of the pad int the slot, then the other end.
Do it once, you'll get the hang of it..All cars are the same, some might have diff procedures...But basically universal.How to change front brake pads on a renault espace?Here is a generic front pad replacement example. Your car will be similar. And, yes, in general, the calipers have to be removed to replace the brake pads. The caliper cylinders must be pushed back into the calipers to allow space for the extra thickness of new pads. to change front brake pads on a renault espace?Put it on a cargo ship COD and send it back to France.