I think all it needs is for the brake pads to be changed. There is a little squeaking but very minor so I think the discs are ok. These brakes are high performance brakes that came with the car off the lot.How much does a front brake job for an '06 Dodge Charger cost?Whatever you do...DO NOT got to a chain brake shop such as Brake Team or Just Brakes, they are thieves and will sell you hundreds in stuff you do not need... you will NEVER get out of their shop with the 99.88 all four wheel brake job.... This I Guarantee... Brake Team out west quoted my brother 1600.00 in brake work, he declined and asked for it in writing, they refused...he took it to a friends shop and they discovered the brakes were brand new, but a caliper pin had broken... Total cost of repair = 7.00 , oh he had just bought the van and heard this noise so he took it in to see what it was, not knowing the condition of his brakes at all...
This is a true story and typical of these brake shops... Good LuckHow much does a front brake job for an '06 Dodge Charger cost?A milli.How much does a front brake job for an '06 Dodge Charger cost?get a premium grade pad...too nice a car to be cheap..and get the rotors resurfaced..if pad wear was even..all hardware and calipers should be ok..if not repair as nessecary...should be aroubd $100